- Keep your logo consistent
Inconsistent logo’s is something as a marketing agency that we come across surprisingly often. In order to have a recognisable brand presence it’s pretty important to have the same logo on everything that your brand produces. At Pull we’ve seen it all; logos that have been altered, stretched out to fit the size they’re in, and some have even had the colours changed! Not only can this create the perception that your brand is a bit disorganised, but it just looks a bit sloppy!
- Spell your brand name right
This seems obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to slip up and miss out a crucial capital letter or symbol out of your brand name. This usually happens under pressure or when writing large amounts of text when producing multiple website pages for instance. Again, brand inconsistency leads to confusion by customers about what your brand is called and depletes the good work you’ve done to promote it.
- Don’t blend into the crowd
It’s very easy to fall into the trap of writing generic marketing copy to promote your services or to not point out your USP’s. Celebrate what makes you different and shout it from the rooftops!
- Develop your brand internally
As well as having a strong exterior brand message you also need to develop your brand internally within your team. This means educating them on the brand message, having a brand guidelines book and running some internal copywriting workshops, not just for marketers but for anyone who has contact with customers or clients. Think about what your elevator pitch would be, this is a good way to test if your staff are all singing from the same song sheet.
- Letting your brand appear on morally suspect sites or next to bad content
Letting your brand appear next to content you don’t want to be associated with is a big no-no, as the suspect content in question will immediately be associated with you.
For instance, last year a
Mercedes advert appeared as an advertisement placement next to a pro-Isis video and Sandals Resorts were advertised next to a video promoting al-Shabaab. This is partly due to YouTube not properly categorising these video’s as sensitive and allowing advertising on them, but it’s a lesson to other brands to carefully review where their content is promoted.
- Have a consistent tone of voice
This point comes back to promoting your brand internally and running those all-important tone of voice workshops. Having a consistent tone of voice across all channels allows customers to really identify with your brand and distinguish its tone of voice among others.
- Don’t just re-do the logo
If you’re considering a re-brand, it’s not just about the logo. It’s also about the whole customer/client experience, the logo does not have the sole responsibility of brand perception.
A logo is just a logo at the end of the day, and if you don’t change anything else about your brand, stores, website or business model they you can’t expect to see a dramatic change in sales, perception or attitude as a result.
- Have strong visuals
Brands have to be visually striking to catch a consumer’s eye, so it’s important to make sure your brand stands out. This means not only promoting your USP’s in text form, but also through instantly recognisable visuals. Researching your competition is essential to this process in order to create something truly unique.
- Don’t let your brand get lost in translation
If you operate in a foreign marketplace make sure that your brand and marketing copy makes sense in translation!
Brand translation blunders have included KFC’s slogan “Finger-lickin’ good” being literally translated in its Chinese chains as “eat your fingers off’ and Ford campaign in Belgium translating from, ‘Every car has a high-quality body’ in English, to ‘Every car has a high-quality corpse’.
- Don’t try and fix what’s not broken
Before changing your brand don’t try and fix what’s not broken in the first place. Do some research about what people love about your brand and make sure to keep and promote what’s really great about your business.
Posted 31 January 2018 by