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New LinkedIn Digital Advertising Products For 2018
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New LinkedIn Digital Advertising Products For 2018

Here at Pull we’re always on the lookout for new Digital Marketing product releases and it looks like LinkedIn is upping its game this year. 
Here at Pull we’re always on the lookout for new Digital Marketing product releases and it looks like LinkedIn is upping its game this year by adding some more capabilities and products to its advertising platform.

We’ve put together the low down on the new LinkedIn product ads, their capabilities and when they’ll be released:
  1. Video adverts
Video adverts for sponsored content will be available as of March this year. You’ll either be able to sponsor adverts from your company page or create new video ads from scratch using Campaign Manager. Video’s are, typically, good for brand awareness and tell the story of your brand in a succinct and engaging way. Adding another string to LinkedIn's Digital bow.
  1. Carousel adverts
Much like Facebook carousel ads, LinkedIn carousel adverts will now be available in Q2 of this year. Up to 10 horizontal scrolling cards will be offered, and each card can contain a different image and URL. This is ideal for campaigns where you have more than one thing to promote, this could be of use to a company with multiple events for instance.
  1. Immersive or ‘Canvas’ adverts
Again, these adverts are similar to the Facebook Canvas ads, which are great for creating a rich, immersive experience for users, and are almost like having an online, interactive leaflet to promote your brand. Typically with Facebook these adverts require some internal design time to make them look the best they can, we’ll see if LinkedIn has the same or slightly different capabilities when the product launches in Q3 of this year.
  1. Refreshed reporting
LinkedIn have promised a new and improved reporting within Campaign Manager, released in Q1 of this year. This includes measuring performance across Ad Accounts within one screen, perfect for analysing multiple campaigns and accounts which need to be compared against one another.

They’ve also promised other reporting capabilities, so we’ll have to wait and see on this one!
  1. Interest and behaviour targeting
LinkedIn will also soon have the capability to allow targeting based on interest and behaviour within the platform. This will be determined by individuals profile traits as well as what topics and interests they’ve engaged with on LinkedIn.

This will allow Digital Marketers to create custom persona’s within Campaign Manager and then track that custom persona’s performance throughout the campaign. It’ll also add another layer of complexity to the targeting already available, which should display your adverts to a more relevant and therefore more engaged audience.

Posted 9 March 2018 by

